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Abdominal Therapy

Client receiving a relaxing abdominal massage.

Abdominal therapy, also known as Arvigo® therapy is an external, noninvasive manipulation using only the hands to reposition reproductive organs and improve blood flow to the digestive organs. Ancient Maya healing techniques are used to eliminate the primary cause of reproductive and digestive complaints. 

The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® were developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo as a result of her long term apprenticeship with the late Maya H’Men (Doctor-Priest), Don Elijio Panti of Belize. She has since developed the Abdominal Therapy Collective.


This modality bring together bodywork, traditional remedies, herbal knowledge and spiritual healing to support the restoration of the body and being to a state of wholeness - where the chu’lel (a Maya word for life force energy) can flow freely.

Abdominal therapy supports:

- Painful menstrual cycles and ovulation

- Difficulties with fertility, bladder or yeast infections

- Uterine fibroids and cysts

- Endometriosis


- Chronic constipation

- Headaches.

Upon booking, initial sessions are 100 minutes including intake, massage, and self care instruction. Follow up sessions range from 60 min to 90 minutes. To receive maximum benefits for most symptoms, book 2-3 sessions within 30 days.


Logo for abdominal therapy and deep tissue massage.
Abdomen, belly button, abdominal massage
Abdominal massage logo for Conscious Belly Therapy


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